Common Questions
How can therapy help me?
A number of benefits are available from participating in therapy. Psychologist can provide support, problem-solving skills, and enhanced coping strategies for issues such as depression, anxiety, relationship troubles, unresolved childhood issues, grief, stress management, body image issues and creative blocks. Many people also find that counselors can be a tremendous asset to managing personal growth, interpersonal relationships, family concerns, marriage issues, and the hassles of daily life. Therapists can provide a fresh perspective on a difficult problem or point you in the direction of a solution. The benefits you obtain from therapy depend on how well you use the process and put into practice what you learn. Some of the benefits available from therapy include:
Attaining a better understanding of yourself, your goals and values
Developing skills for improving your relationships, health, and overall well-being
Finding resolution to the issues or concerns that led you to seek therapy
Learning new ways to cope with stress and anxiety
Managing anger, grief, depression, and other emotional pressures
Improving communications and listening skills
Changing old behavior patterns and developing new ones
Discovering new ways to solve problems in your family or marriage
Improving your self-esteem and boosting self-confidence
Do I really need therapy? I can usually handle my problems.
Everyone goes through challenging situations in life, and while you may have successfully navigated through other difficulties you have faced, there's nothing wrong with seeking out extra support when you need it. In fact, therapy is for people who have enough self-awareness to realize they need a helping hand, an admirable expression of personal growth. You are taking responsibility by accepting where you are in life and making a commitment to change the situation by seeking therapy. Therapy provides long-lasting benefits and support, giving you the tools you need to avoid triggers, re-direct damaging patterns, and overcome whatever challenges you face.
How do I know if my child/family member/family needs therapy?
Adjustment is part of growth and development for all individuals. At times, during significant life events, challanges or adjustment periods stress may result. These stressors may cause problems with behavior, mood, sleep, appetite, and academic or social functioning. In other cases, it may not be as clear what caused them to suddenly seem withdrawn, worried, stressed, or tearful. Often these periods are brief and resolve on their own. When difficulties occur and persist or intensify it is prudent to consider professional support.
If you feel your child/family member might have an emotional or behavioral problem or needs help coping with a difficult life event, trust your instincts. If you love someone who is experiencing psychological distress and needs support and assistance beyond what you can provide seek help. Generally, consultation is recommended when there is a marked change in mood, behavior or functioning for the individual or family.
Signs that someone may benefit from seeing a trained therapist include:
Marked changes in mood, such as irritability, anger, anxiety, or sadness
Decline in performance at work or school
Changes in weight and appearance, including negligence of personal hygiene
Disturbances in sleep, either oversleeping or insomnia
Withdrawal from social relationships and activities
Developmental delay in speech, language, or toilet training
Challenges with learning or attention
Behavioral problems (such as excessive anger, acting out, bedwetting or eating disorders)
Significant drop in grades, particularly if your child normally maintains high grades
Being the victim of bullying or bullying other children
Decreased interest in previously enjoyed activities
Overly aggressive behavior (such as biting, kicking, or hitting)
Sudden changes in appetite (particularly in adolescents)
Excessive school absenteeism or tardiness
Mood swings (e.g., happy one minute, upset the next)
Development of or an increase in physical complaints (such as headache, stomachache, or not feeling well) despite a normal physical exam by your doctor
Management of a serious, acute, or chronic illness
Signs of alcohol, drug, or other substance use (such as solvents or prescription drug abuse)
Problems in transitions (following separation, divorce, or relocation)
Bereavement issues
Known or suspected sexual, physical, or emotional abuse or other traumatic events
Unhealthy use of media
Dangerous or risk-taking behavior
Millions of people all around the world seek help for mental heath issues in order to improve their overall health, well-being, and happiness. Though it may be obvious to you that someone you love needs professional help, there are many reasons why your loved one may feel reluctant to ask for help. If you are interested in exploring further whether therapy can help your family member or family please contact Dr. Eijsermans.
***If you believe that someone is in danger of hurting themselves or others or is experiencing a life-threatening emergency, it is important to take action without hesitation. Calling a crisis center, dialing local law enforcement, and/or taking the person to an emergency room is vital when a person has indicated he or she is in crisis.
Why do people go to therapy and how do I know if it is right for me?
People have many different motivations for coming to therapy. Some may be going through a major life transition (unemployment, divorce, new job, etc.), or are not handling stressful circumstances well. Some people need assistance managing a range of other issues such as low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, addictions, relationship problems, spiritual conflicts and creative blocks. Therapy can help provide some much needed encouragement and help with skills to get them through these periods. Others may be at a point where they are ready to learn more about themselves or want to be more effective with their goals in life. In short, people seeking therapy are ready to meet the challenges in their lives and ready to make changes in their lives.
What is therapy like?
Because each person has different issues and goals for therapy, therapy will be different depending on the individual. In general, you can expect to discuss the current events happening in your life, your personal history relevant to your issue, and report progress (or any new insights gained) from the previous therapy session. Depending on your specific needs, therapy can be short-term, for a specific issue, or longer-term, to deal with more difficult patterns or your desire for more personal development. Either way, it is most common to schedule regular sessions with your therapist (usually weekly).
It is important to understand that you will get more results from therapy if you actively participate in the process. The ultimate purpose of therapy is to help you bring what you learn in session back into your life. Therefore, beyond the work you do in therapy sessions, your therapist may suggest some things you can do outside of therapy to support your process - such as reading a pertinent book, journaling on specific topics, noting particular behaviors or taking action on your goals. People seeking therapy are ready to make positive changes in their lives, are open to new perspectives and take responsibility for their lives.
What do I do next?
If you feel that you would like to discuss psychological counseling then please get in touch. Optimal Wellness can then arrange for a free thirty minute consultation to discuss broadly your needs and expectations by telephone. From here Dr. Eijsermans can arrange for an initial assessment appointment. This takes about 90 minutes and lets Dr. Eijsermans get a better sense of your situation and discuss what you would like to get out of the consultations. Following this, together the number and frequency of sessions can be decided.
What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)?
CBT involves discussion between you and your therapist to look at how your thoughts may be affecting your feelings and behaviour and vice versa. It also considers how you think about yourself, the world, other people and the future. CBT focuses mainly on the here and now in time and focuses on working towards your specific goals or what you would like to get out of psychology sessions. It also relies on a collaborative approach, working together with the therapist. During CBT you will work on practical strategies which you will be asked to practice between sessions.
What is Mindfulness?
Mindfulness can be used alongside CBT, if appropriate, and it has a strong evidence base for helping people experiencing anxiety, depression, pain, stress etc. It works on building awareness to thoughts and feelings at the present moment and being aware of them without attaching judgement or meaning to them. It uses the breath as an anchor when the mind is distracted or restless and builds on a sense of calmness and awareness.
What about medication vs. therapy?
It is well established that the long-term solution to mental and emotional problems and the pain they cause cannot be solved solely by medication. Instead of just treating the symptom, therapy addresses the cause of our distress and the behavior patterns that curb our progress. You can best achieve sustainable growth and a greater sense of well-being with an integrative approach to wellness. Working with your medical doctor you can determine what's best for you, and in some cases a combination of medication and therapy is the right course of action.
How many sessions will I need?
The number of sessions needed varies from person to person. Typically CBT tends to last between 6 to 12 sessions, with regular reviews during this time of the number of sessions required. However, open discussion as to what suits you as an individual and flexibility in your requirement and desire is always paramount.
Frequency of Appointments
Dr. Eijsermans will discuss your needs and options together when you contact her. Session frequency will depend primarily upon your individual situation. Generally, sessions are weekly. Online/phone and evening/weekend sessions are available.
What does it cost? (Rates & Insurance)
The initial assessment session and subsequent sessions are charged at 190 CHF for individuals and 260 CHF for couples and families. Payments is accepted in the form of cash or bank payment. All sessions are paid for before time of service.
Rates and Session Length
190 CHF per 50-minute session, individual
260 CHF per 60-minute session, couples and families
Online and phone sessions available, depending upon your circumstances.
Assessments rates vary depending on the scope of the testing and the type of evaluation. Quotes are available upon consultation.
Do you take insurance, and how does that work?
Services may be covered in full or in part by your health insurance or employee benefit plan. To determine if you have mental health coverage through your insurance carrier, the first thing you should do is call them. Check your coverage carefully and make sure you understand their answers. Some helpful questions you can ask them:
What are my mental health benefits?
What is the coverage amount per therapy session?
How many therapy sessions does my plan cover?
How much does my insurance pay for an out-of-network provider?
Is approval required from my primary care physician?
Optimal Wellness is an independent practice and all bills will need to be settled directly, following which you can claim from your Insurance Provider. Most International Insurance providers will reimburse the costs incurred for your therapy. To see if therapy will be covered by your International Insurance, as well as how many sessions, please consult the conditions of your medical plan or contact your Insurance Provider.
Please note: A prescription from a medical doctor may be required to get reimbursement.
Dr. Eijsermans is currently not paneled with insurance companies, partly due to the limitations on care and privacy that they impose. The following two options are available to assist you in payment of services: 1) I can provide a detailed invoice called a Superbill for those who would like to submit for out-of-network insurance reimbursement. 2) If this is not an option, limited reduced fee sessions are available for those who otherwise would not be able to afford services on a limited basis.
Where are sessions provided?
Optimal Wellness Global provides flexibility to meet the needs of your lifestyle. Services are provided in the following modalities:
Mobile therapy, provided in-home, school, work or mutual location
Ecotherapy, provided in nature to promote health and well-being
Teletherapy, online or phone sessions
If you have any questions regarding accessability to services please contact Dr. Eijsermans for assistance.
Does what we talk about in therapy remain confidential?
Confidentiality is one of the most important components between a person
and their doctor/therapist. Successful therapy requires a high degree of trust with highly sensitive subject matter that is usually not discussed anywhere but the therapist's office. Every therapist should provide a written copy of their confidential disclosure agreement, and you can expect that what you discuss in session will not be shared with anyone. This is called “Informed Consent”. Sometimes, however, you may want your therapist to share information or give an update to someone on your healthcare team (your Physician, Naturopath, Attorney), but by law your therapist cannot release this information without obtaining your written permission.
However, law and professional ethics require psychologists to maintain confidentiality except for the following situations:
Suspected child abuse or dependent adult or elder abuse, for which I am required by law to report this to the appropriate authorities immediately.
If a client is threatening serious bodily harm to another person/s, I must notify the police and inform the intended victim.
If a client intends to harm himself or herself, I will make every effort to enlist their cooperation in ensuring their safety. If they do not cooperate, I will take further measures without their permission that are provided to me by law in order to ensure their safety.
What if I need to cancel a session?
Cancellations are necessary at times, please cancel 24 hours in advance to make this time available for another person. If you do not show up for your scheduled therapy appointment, and you have not notified at least 24 hours in advance, you will be required to pay the full cost of the session.
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This psychology practice may amend this privacy policy at any time without prior notice. The current version published on our website applies. Insofar as the data protection declaration is part of a contract with you, and will inform you of the change by e-mail or other suitable means in the event of an update.
How can therapy help me?
Do I really need therapy?
How do I know if my child/family member needs therapy?
What is therapy like?
What do I do next?
What is Cognitive Behavioral Therapy?
What is mindfulness?
What about medication vs therapy?
How many sessions will I need?
Frequency of appointments
What does it cost? Rates & Insurance
Do you take insurance?
Where are sessions provided?
Are sessions confidential?
What if I need to cancel a session?